Vikings Donate to LGBT Rights Groups to Settle Kluwe Suit

By John Mack Freeman Earlier, GLBT News reported that Chris Kluwe was suing his former NFL team, the Minnesota Vikings, due to their unwillingness to release a report detailing that organization’s alleged homophobia and anti-LGBT practices. The Vikings announced that Kluwe’s termination had nothing to do with his staunch pro-LGBT stance, however. To settle the threatened suit, […]

Smithsonian to Add LGBT History to Collection

Via Ashley R. Lierman The Smithsonian Institute announced this week that they are planning on adding hundreds of items related to LGBT history to their collection in the coming months. Here’s is the full press release from the Associated Press: Hundreds of photographs, papers and historical objects documenting the history of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender […]

Rare Cuban “No” Vote Cast Because of LGBT Rights

By John Mack Freeman It’s a rare occasion when a no vote is cast in the Cuban legislature. In fact, some Cuban experts say that a no vote hasn’t been cast in the legislature since the Revolution. But when a workers’ rights bill came before the legislature, Mariela Castro voted against the legislation due to […]

Tennessee: Same-Sex Marriage, Don’t Say Gay, and Benefits

By John Mack Freeman It’s been a busy week in Tennessee on the LGBT front. First, Chattanoooga voters overturned a domestic partners ordinance by a margin of about 20 points. The council had originally passed it 5-4 last year, but it was put on the ballot through a referendum process. Via Joe. My. God.:  Following […]

By the Numbers: LGBT Religion, Parenting, and Support

By John Mack Freeman Gallup released a new poll this week showing that LGBT people were significantly more likely to be non-religious than were non-LGBT people. Additionally, there were much less likely to attend worship services, and much more likely to say that religion does not play a major role in their daily lives. The […]

Georgia Gay Man Sentenced to 10 Years for Defending Himself

By John Mack Freeman Atlanta resident Luke O’Donovan was violently attacked outside of a bar in Atlanta, GA in December 2012 by five men. The men stabbed him several times while shouting homophobic slurs at him. O’Donovan defended himself successfully with a pocketknife and made it to an area hospital for treatment. Sounds like a […]