South Africa Hosts First LGBT Pride Event

By John Mack Freeman Mpumalanga’s Gert Sibande district made South African history this week when it hosted that country’s first ever pride parade. The event drew about 100 participants, and it sought to highlight that no one is above the law in South Africa as it sought to combat the violence that LGBT people often face in […]

Upcoming Documentary Chronicles Against Me! Singer’s Transition

Via Ashley R. Lierman Laura Jane Grace, frontwoman of punk-rock band Against Me!, will be appearing in an AOL online documentary to discuss her transition, along with other elements of her experience of being transgender.  The documentary, titled True Trans, will interview multiple trans people regarding their identities and experiences. The first four episodes of […]

J.K. Rowling Responds to Homophobic Tweet

Via Ashley R. Lierman Gay fans were delighted recently by Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling’s response to a tweet complaining about the author’s creative choices. Rowling announced  in 2007 that Albus Dumbledore, famous wizard and headmaster of the magical school in the series, was gay, and apparently the commenter took belated issue with this announcement. […]

Marriage rulings split this week

By John Mack Freeman After a long string of successes, marriage equality advocates have suffered setbacks in two states in recent weeks. In both Tennessee and Louisiana, judges found against marriage equality, allowing same sex marriage bans to remain in effect in those states. However, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, by a unanimous three-vote […]

Gay character coming to The Walking Dead

By John Mack Freeman The zombie apocalypse may have a rainbow at the end of the shotgun. The Walking Dead co-creator Scott Gimple has said that the show plans to introduce a gay character in the future. Though no timeline was explicitly given, much of the speculation rests on one of the show’s main characters, Daryl Dixon. […]

Facebook adds gender-neutral family relationships

By John Mack Freeman Coming on the heels of Facebook’s decision to massively expand the number of gender options available to users, the social media giant has extended the same level of flexibility to family relationships. In addition to standard responses like father, mother, and the like, non-gendered options such as “parent,” “child,” “sibling,” and […]

LGBT honor plaques riddled with mistakes

By John Mack Freeman Misspellings. Grammatical errors. The term “transgendered.” Usually, you’d expect to find these errors on the less thoughtful side of Internet debate. But, they have been ensconced in the Rainbow Honor Walk in San Francisco’s Castro neighborhood. The plaques were meant to commemorate deceased LGBT icons. And it was a great idea. […]

LGBT groups to march in NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade

By John Mack Freeman. Thanks to Peter Coyl for the tip! A long ban on LGBT group participation in the annual New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade has finally ended. On Wednesday, the organizing committee announced that openly gay groups would be allowed to march under their own banners at next years parade. This […]

ALA Award Winners Featured in American Libraries

By John Mack Freeman. Thanks to David Isaak for the tip! This year’s ALA award winners are featured in the September/October issue of American Libraries (jump to page 28 to see the spread). Among them are our very own Ann Symons who won the Equality Award and Karen Schneider who won the Elizabeth Futas Catalyst for […]