New Series ‘Gotham’ to Include Lesbian Character

By Ashley R. Lierman The upcoming FOX Batman prequel show will feature the character Detective Renee Montoya, a Latina lesbian, as part of its principal cast, according to show creators. Montoya came out as a lesbian in the Batman comics in 2003, and co–executive producer Danny Cannon has affirmed the show’s commitment to include the […]

Tensions Mount Between Facebook and Drag Performers Over ‘Real Name’ Policy

Facebook has recently cracked down on violations of its policy that users display only their real, legal names on their profiles. The site has been banning users and removing profiles for failing to comply with the policy. This move has sparked protest from drag queens and other performers, who argue that the chosen names under […]

Orange is the New Black Writer Comes Out As Lesbian, Divorces Husband

By Ashley R. Lierman Lauren Morelli, one of the writers of the Netflix original series Orange is the New Black, recently came out as a lesbian and obtained a divorce from her husband. According to multiple online sources, Morelli saw much of herself in the journey taken by the show’s main character, Piper, and gradually […]

The Crosland Group Donates Second Largest Collection of LGBT Books In The Country To The Dallas Public Library

Press Release. (Thanks to Peter Coyl for the submission!) Dallas developer Luke Crosland of The Crosland Group and ilume®, ilume® Park, and ilume® Gallerie, is gifting 6,000 volumes of LGBT literature to the Dallas Public Library. As space allows, as many as 800 volumes of this collection will be housed in the Library’s Oak Lawn […]

United Nations commemorates anniversary of pro-LGBT campaign

Via press release Today, Free & Equal, the United Nations Human Rights Office’s global public education campaign for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality, releases “UN Free & Equal: One Billion Rising” a video highlighting the campaign’s impact to date. “In the past year, more than a billion people around the world have been […]

TransTech to offer training academy for aspiring trans coders

By John Mack Freeman Angelica Ross recently founded TransTech as a nonprofit in Chicago. Having personally experienced the trials that can affect trans people in the workplace and during job searches, Ross is seeking to help others avoid many of the trials that she had to go through. Via The Advocate: “TransTech emerged from my […]

Supreme Court to consider five marriage ban challenges

Photo Credit: OZinOH (via Flickr)

By John Mack Freeman The Supreme Court has decided to look at petitions from Indiana, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Utah, and Virginia to assess whether or not the Court will take up these cases in their next session. The Court will begin meeting in private sessions on September 29th to decide what cases will appear on their […]

Lily Tomlin first out lesbian to receive Kennedy Center Honors

By John Mack Freeman Lily Tomlin is one of five people set to receive Kennedy Center Honors this year. This would make her the first out lesbian to ever receive this recognition. The Honors recognize living American artists for their contributions to American culture. Via The Advocate: While several women previously honored have been rumored […]

House rejects spousal benefits for same sex vets

By John Mack Freeman The US House Committee on Veterans Affairs has rejected a proposal that would have allowed same sex couples equal access to veterans benefits regardless of whether they lived in marriage equality state or not. The amendment was suggested by Dina Titus (D-NV), and it was rejected in a vote of 13-12. Jon […]

Chinese LGBT rights groups ask universities to meet “basic demands”

By John Mack Freeman Three activist groups in China have sent letters to 112 Chinese universities asking them to meet basic demands related to the portrayal and acceptance of LGBT students. The groups were China Same Sex Love, LGBT Rights Advocacy China, and Justice for All. The letter read: We appeal and encourage principals at […]