“Pride” DVD cover doesn’t mention homosexuality

By John Mack Freeman One of the most popular LGBT films of 2014 had a strange release in the United States. Pride, which is a British film about gay and lesbian activists who rallied to striking miners in the United Kingdom in the 1980’s, was released in the United States by CBS Films this week. CBS and […]

Florida: Marriages okay, but weddings not so much

By John Mack Freeman One of the major stories this week is that same sex marriage will officially get underway in Florida this week due to a ruling that invalidated the state’s ban on same sex marriage. However, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi had appealed the ruling to the US Supreme Court asking for a […]

Opportunity: “Outlawed 2015” conference to discuss censored literature

By John Mack Freeman The Arne Nixon Center for the Study of Children’s Literature in the Madden Library at Fresno State University will be hosting a conference entitled “Outlawed: The Naked Truth About Censored Literature for Young People” from April 10-12, 2015. From their website: Learn how censorship presents itself in a variety of manners. While […]

No jail time for army vet that attacked gay couple

By John Mack Freeman During the 2012 Pride parade in Austin, Texas Lambert Borgardt attacked  Andrew Oppleman and Nick Soret. Oppelman lost five teeth and Soret’s nose was fractured. Last week, Lambert Borgardt was found guilty of two counts of aggravated assault and was sentenced to 10 years probation and 200 hours of community service. The grand […]

ACLU Files Federal Discrimination Complaint against Va. School Board for Bathroom Policy

Via press release RICHMOND, Va. – The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Virginia filed an administrative complaint with the Department of Justice and Department of Education against Gloucester County Public Schools (GCPS) for adopting a bathroom policy that segregates transgender students from using the same restrooms and locker rooms as their peers. […]

DoJ advances trans rights while Department of Corrections steps back

By John Mack Freeman On December 18th, Eric Holder announced that the Department of Justice now recognizes that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act bans discrimination on the basis of gender identity. Via a Department of Justice release: Attorney General Holder informed all Department of Justice component heads and United States Attorneys in a […]

Same sex marriage plaintiffs “Utahns of the Year”

By John Mack Freeman The Salt Lake City Tribune has named the plaintiffs in the Utah court case that struck down that state’s same sex marriage ban as the “Utahns of the Year.” From the Tribune: While Utahns were stunned — many happily so, others the polar opposite — there were six people, three couples, who perhaps […]

Chinese court rules homosexuals not in need of “cure”

By John Mack Freeman A Chinese court has ruled that homosexuals do not need to be “cured.” Further, it has ordered that a clinic that attempted to cure Yang Teng of his homosexuality via hypnotherapy and electroshock must pay restitution to the victim. This is another sign of progress in China, a country that has […]