Engaging with issues of diversity and inclusion at ALA Midwinter Meeting

Via press release From the creation of #WeNeedDiverseBooks to the heroic response of the Ferguson Public Library, diversity and inclusion have played key roles in the library conversation this year. Whether with annual traditions – MLK Sunrise Celebration with Dr. Cornel West and REFORMA’s Noche de Cuentos – or updates on new projects – The […]

Reminder: ALA Annual Housing Opens Monday, January 12th

By John Mack Freeman  Registration and hotels for the Annual Conference in San Francisco will open this Monday, January 12th. The list of conference hotels can be found here: http://alaac15.ala.org/hotels. Individuals who have bundled their conference registrations should receive an e-mail with instructions on how to book their hotel rooms.

Atlanta Fire Chief fired for anti-LGBT book

By John Mack Freeman Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed has fired Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran due to Cochran’s distribution of a self-published book called Who Told You You Were Naked? Via the Atlanta-Journal Constitution: “Among what city leaders said were troubling remarks in the fire chief’s book was a description of homosexuality as a “perversion” akin to […]

Russia bans trans, asexual, and others from driving

By John Mack Freeman Russia has once again upped the ante on its discrimination against LGBT people. On December 29th, the Russian Ministry of Health adopted an updated list of “diseases” (sarcastic quotes) that are contraindicated to driving. These include, according to Human Rights First, “being transgender, bigender, asexual, and cross dressing.” The press release went […]

Good same sex marriage news in Idaho, Georgia, Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas

By John Mack Freeman After a few weeks of not much happening from the courts due to the holidays, this week had three major developments in the ongoing judicial struggle for full same sex marriage recognition. This past Monday, Florida started celebrating same sex unions across the state after state Attorney General Pam Bondi lost […]

Watch: Illinois ACA ad features same sex couple

By John Mack Freeman Get Covered Illinois has released a 30-second spot that focuses on a same-sex couple that are eligible for joint coverage due to the Affordable Care Act. The ad is part of a campaign to make sure that all families in Illinois know about the coverage that is available to them. Watch […]

Outpouring of grief and anger after suicide of Leelah Alcorn

By John Mack Freeman Earlier this week, 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn left her suburban Cincinnati home and committed suicide. A few hours later, her Tumblr account automatically posted her suicide note. In the note, Alcorn discusses coming out to her mother, having her concerns ignored, being shoved into religious-based counseling, and a spiral of depression that […]

Rhode Island court rejects firefighters gay pride lawsuit

By John Mack Freeman Sometimes, a court battle can take forever, but a win is nonetheless gratifying. In 2004, two Rhode Island firefighters, Theodore Fabrizio and Stephen Dennino, drove a firetruck in the Providence Pride Parade as part of their official duties working for the Providence Fire Department. The two sued the department, stating that […]