Bisexual Bonanza: Catwoman and The 100

By Ashley R. Lierman It’s a good week for bisexual representation in media. A same-sex kiss on the CW’s apocalyptic drama The 100 led to confirmation by the show’s creators that its main character is, in fact, bisexual (via the Advocate): Screenwriter Jason Rothenberg graciously answered fans’ questions over Twitter, confirming the character is in […]

New study details live of LGBT youth involved in “survival sex”

By John Mack Freeman A new study from the Urban Institute conducted extensive interviews with 283 LGBT youth in New York City who were engaged in survival sex. Via LGBTQ Nation: In extensive interviews conducted over three years by the Urban Institute, 283 young people spoke about experiencing family rejection, establishing support networks with groups […]

Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus dramatically shrinks in size

By John Mack Freeman A new $400 joining fee may be responsible for a dramatic shrinking in the size of the LGBT Equality Caucus. 51 members have not renewed their membership in the Caucus, although some still list themselves as members of the Caucus on their personal websites. The mission of the Caucus is “The […]

New emojis feature more diverse families

By John Mack Freeman Apple’s newest OS update will come packaged with hundreds more emojis for people to use to communicate. The pictures that include people will allow for a variety of skin tones, and the number of images featuring same sex families and pairings has increased dramatically. While a release date is yet unknown, […]

US appoints first LGBT rights envoy

By John Mack Freeman On February 23, 2015, Secretary of State John Kerry appointed Randy Berry as the US State Department’s first LGBT envoy. Berry had previously served as Consul General in Amsterdam with prior postings in Bangladesh, Egypt, South Africa, and Uganda. Secretary Kerry had the following to say (via PinkNews): “Randy’s a leader, […]

New Latino/a bibliography posted in resources section

By Cat Walker The newest resource added to the GLBTRT Professional Tools page is a guide to resources in print and online about Latinos and Latinas that are also gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.  The size of the American population with Latin American heritage has grown, and recently the visibility of Latino/as in American culture […]

This week in reviews: 10 new review

By John Mack Freeman This week, the Reviews Committee posted 8 new reviews of LGBT titles. Newly reviewed items include: Siegfried Sassoon, by Jean Moorcroft Wilson I am Jazz, by Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings, illustrated by Shelagh McNicholas Blue Water Dreams, by Dena Hankins Outlander Leander series, by Eisah The Balance, by Neal Wooten Fan […]

New report finds trans Americans 4x more likely to be in poverty

By John Mack Freeman A new study authored in part by the Movement Advancement Project has found that trans persons are significantly more likely to experience economic hardship over the course of their lives than are non-trans individuals. Via MAP: Paying an Unfair Price: The Financial Penalty for Being Transgender in America paints a stark […]

.lgbt top-level domain open for business

By John Mack Freeman The first ever top-level domain on the Internet for LGBT people officially opened this week. “.lgbt” sites are open to businesses, organizations, and individuals supportive of the LGBT community. They can be registered from a variety of domain registrars. All sites with a .lgbt address are subect to the .lgbt Acceptable […]

Christian publisher cancels book once author identified as “queer”

By John Mack Freeman Brandan Robertson had signed a deal with Destiny Image last year for them to publish his book Nomad: Not-So-Religious Thoughts On Faith, Doubt, and the Journey In Between. However, last month, Robertson appeared in a Time article in which he was identified as queer. Due to this, Robertson claims he was asked to sign a […]