From the states: Montana, Nevada, Arkansas, Oklahoma

By John Mack Freeman In Montana, Governor Bullock signed an anti-bullying law into effect. The measure had taken over ten years to become a law, making Montana the last state in the union to have a statewide anti-bullying law on the books. Via the Billings Gazette: The new law defines bullying as any repeated harassment, hazing or […]

New polls show increased support for same-sex marriage, trans people

By John Mack Freeman Two new polls released this week have shown increased support for both same-sex marriage and acceptance of trans people. First, an ABC News poll showed 61 percent of respondents approving of same-sex marriage. This is the highest level of support ever recorded by this poll. This is almost a doubling of […]

Arizona governor revokes state ban on same-sex adoption

By John Mack Freeman In a move that surprised many, Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona (R) revoked that state’s ban on adoption by same-sex couples. According to a spokesman, the voiding of a Department of Child Safety mandate came this week because the governor just learned of the policy. Although Ducey has strong ties to […]

Roll out the rainbow carpet for LGBTQ patrons

Via press release CHICAGO – Join the ALA Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) as it hosts a preconference highlighting library services to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans* and queer/questioning community.  “Rolling out the Rainbow Carpet: Serving LGBTQ Communities” will be held from 8:30 a.m. – noon on Friday, June 26, 2015 during […]

Judge proposes $135,000 fine for bakery that turned away lesbian couple

By John Mack Freeman An administrative judge has proposed a $135,000 fine for the suburban Portland, Oregon bakery who were refused service over two years ago. Via the Seattle Times: The judge, Alan McCullough, ruled in January that Sweet Cakes by Melissa discriminated against Laurel and Rachel Bowman-Cryer by refusing to bake them a wedding […]

New study shows LGBT people of color at higher risk of lifetime poverty

By John Mack Freeman A new study shows that LGBT people of color are statistically much more likely to experience lifetime poverty than their non-LGBT or non-person of color counterparts. Paying an Unfair Price: The Financial Penalty for LGBT People of Color by the Movement Advancement Project shows that LGBT people of color are more likely […]

The ninth edition of the Intellectual Freedom Manual

Via press release Since it was established in 1967, ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) has championed the rights of library users to seek and receive information on all subjects from all points of view without restriction and without having the subject of one’s interest examined or scrutinized by others. The new ninth edition of […]

Original X-Men member revealed as gay in new issue

By John Mack Freeman All New X-Men #40 was released this past Wednesday, and it revealed that original X-Men member Robert Drake, more commonly known as “Iceman,” is gay. Via Gay Star News: “The comic series centers around the five young original X-Men (Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman and Jean Grey) who time travel to the present […]

2015 GLBTRT Fundraising Challenge

By Erin Berman Thank you for your continued support of ALA’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT)! Your membership has played a vital role in supporting the Round Table’s mission. Now more than ever we need to be visible, to promote that libraries are open to all, and to work to ensure that […]

Russian Siri refuses to answer questions about gays

By John Mack Freeman Apple’s voice recognition program Siri learned Russian as part of an expanding effort to move its products worldwide. However, a video surfaced this week of a man trying to get Siri to respond to questions about gay bars and gay marriage with the application refusing to provide information or to process […]