New gender neutral honorific “Mx.” slowly making its way into forms

For decades, honorifics with a person’s name in forms of address and databases have either implied status (doctor, lawyer, etc) or gender (mister, miss, etc.). However, the gender neutral title “Mx” is joining the list of honorifics available on driver’s licenses and other official documents in the United Kingdom for the first time as of […]

Gay Muslim risked death to produce documentary about pilgrimage

By John Mack Freeman Out Muslim filmmaker Parvez Sharma produced a documentary about his pilgrimage to Mecca (known in Islam as a “Hajj”). Primarily filmed with cell phones and small cameras, the documentary traces the trip through an area where homosexuality is punishable by death and filming is forbidden. Via Queerty: The film was denounced […]

Limited run of magazine printed with HIV-positive blood-infused ink

By John Mack Freeman A limited 3,000 issue run of the Austrin queer men’s magazine Vangardist has been printed this month using an HIV-positive blood-infused ink. The ink is completely safe and carries zero risk of infection. The concept was created to draw attention to the fact that new HIV infections have been spiking in recent years […]

Watch: Cyndi Lauper testifies about LGBT teen homelessness to Senate subcommittee

By John Mack Freeman This week, singer Cyndi Lauper testified before a Senate Approporiations subcommittee about the importance of tackling LGBT teen homelessness. Lauper has been a longtime devotee of helping homeless youth, even revealing during her testimony that she was homeless as a teen. After testifying before Congress, she also went to the White […]

Big shifts in LGBT-related policy at two colleges

By John Mack Freeman This week, Smith College officially decided that they would accept trans students. Although trans students have been considered since 2013 after they denied applicant Calliope Wong, the policy has been under review. The all-women’s school has come under frequent fire in recent years for denying trans students acceptance to the institution. An announcement […]

Randy Berry starts role as State Department’s LGBT envoy

By John Mack Freeman (thanks to Chris Boire for the head’s up) As Randy Berry begins his role as the United States State Department’s first ever LGBT envoy, he has a lot on his plate. He has been instructed by Secretary John Kerry to maintain the Department’s internal LGBT policies and to administer them in […]

FTRF-supported case succeeds in challenge against Pennsylvania Revictimization Relief Act

Via press release (thanks to Carolyn Caywood for the head’s up) On February 17, 2015, Freedom to Read Foundation filed an amicus brief in this case challenging the constitutionality of Pennsylvania’s “Revictimization Relief Act.”  That law, passed in October 2014, permits crime victims to sue offenders to stop actions – including speech – that cause “mental […]

Watch: Time lapse video of the march of marriage equality

By John Mack Freeman Vox published a time lapse video of the march towards full marriage equality in the United States earlier this week. The brief two-minute video highlights the steady increase in the number of Americans living in states where same sex marriage is legal. Watch the video below: