The Little Gadfly – LGBTQIA…W

By A. Faulkner This isn’t so much an imminent issue in the news as it is an ongoing conversation for the past few years now. I want to talk about labels. I’m not so much concerned with the issue of who labels us and arguing that the only labels that matter are the ones we […]

Houston equal rights ordinance ballot wording altered by courts

By John Mack Freeman A Texas court this week rejected the city’s wording for a ballot measure that would determine the fate of Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). Instead of having to vote yes to remove the ordinance, it will instead have to be worded in such a way that a yes vote is cast […]

Study finds 1 in 3 American young adults identify on bisexual spectrum

By John Mack Freeman A YouGov poll has found that 1 in 3 American young adults identifies as not completely heterosexual. Using a modified Kinsey scale, the researchers asked participants about their identification and their experiences. Here are the results broken down: The full results can be read here. Additionally, the study found that young […]

Wonder Woman performs same-sex wedding in upcoming comic

By John Mack Freeman An upcoming featuring Wonder Woman will have the superhero performing a same-sex wedding. In Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #48, which is currently available online and will hit shelves in November, Jason Badowerhe is helming the issue. He said he was inspired by the Obergefell ruling in June that legalized same-sex marriage throughout the United […]

2015 Conference on Inclusion and Diversity in Library and Information Science (CIDLIS) Registration and Paper Submissions Now Open

Via press release The 2015 Conference on Inclusion and Diversity in Library and Information Science (CIDLIS) is now accepting registrations and submissions. The conference (known in past years as the Symposium on Diversity in LIS Education) focuses on issues of diversity, inclusion, and information access in library and information professions. It will be held at […]

The Advocate’s First Transgender Staff Member Interviews BuzzFeed’s First Transgender Staff Writer

By Ashley R. Lierman Meredith Talusan, a Filipina-American transgender writer and more, recently joined BuzzFeed’s writing staff full-time, marking her as the first trans person to do so. In a heartening celebration of trans solidarity and firsts, Talusan was interviewed by the Advocate’s news editor Dawn Ennis, herself the first trans staff member at her […]

Watch: OITNB’s Lea DeLaria Bares Soul And More

By Ashley R. Lierman A new video featuring Orange Is The New Black actor, comedian, and out lesbian Lea DeLaria has been released in the YouTube StyleLikeU series, which seeks to “empowers people to accept and express their true selves.” Over the course of the video, DeLaria holds a frank and emotional discussion of her sexual […]

New Resource Available: Religion and Spirituality Bibliographies

By Carlos Fernandez According to the Oxford Concise Dictionary of World Religions, “religion binds people together in common practices and beliefs: it draws them together in a common enterprise of life” (Bowker, The concise Oxford dictionary of world religions, 2000, p. xix). Unfortunately, for many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) people, religion has […]

Retailer Target to move away from gendered signs for toys, entertainment

By John Mack Freeman The retailer Target has announced plans to move away from using gendered signs in their Toy, Entertainment, and Home areas. The move came as a result of customer requests to stop the arbitrary demarcation of items based on their color or intended audience. Via their announcement: But we never want guests […]