Professional Resources: Hate crimes bibliography revised and updated

By Jane Sandberg Violence against LGBTQ people has had profound effects on our community.  Authors and scholars have helped to make sense of these crimes by investigating social contexts, perpetrator motivations, support strategies, victim experiences, and community and media responses to these tragic events.  The Resources Committee of the GLBT Round Table recently updated a […]

Current Scholarship Roundup: Out in the Lab, Lesbians in YA Lit and more

By Emilia R. Marcyk   Scholarship and academic news that addresses LGBTQ identities and concerns, of interest to librarians and information professionals Publications Jimenez, Laura M. “Representations in Award-Winning LGBTQ Young Adult Literature from 2000-2013.” Journal of Lesbian Studies 19.4 (2015): 496-422.August’s issue of the Journal of Lesbian Studies is dedicated to lesbians in children’s and […]

Watch: John Oliver explains the need for the Equality Act

By John Mack Freeman John Oliver spent a major chunk of his show Last Week Tonight two weeks ago explaining the importance of the Equality Act that is pending before Congress. I apologize that we are just now getting around to sharing the link. Watch it below (some NSFW language).

South Dakota keeps trans-inclusive sports policy

By John Mack Freeman A policy in South Dakota that allows students to play on the sports teams of their gender identity has survived a review by the state’s activity board. Via Associated Press: The South Dakota High School Activities Association Thursday gave preliminary approval to some revisions to the 2014 policy such as establishing an […]

‘Mx’ added to the Oxford English Dictionary

By John Mack Freeman The gender-neutral honorific “Mx” has been added to the latest edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. It’s definition is: “n: a title used before a person’s surname by those who wish to avoid specifying their gender.” Via PinkNews: The title Mx is a gender-neutral alternative to Mr and Ms, which has […]

GLAAD publishes television guide to LGBT characters, cancels future reports

By John Mack Freeman This past week, GLAAD released their annual Network Responsibility Index. This index has for the last nine years been a barometers for the quantity and quality of LGBT representation by different television providers. This year, Fox became the first major network to receive an A+ score, and almost every network examined received […]

HHS proposes new rule to prohibit anti-trans bias in healthcare

By John Mack Freeman The Department of Health and Human Services released a proposed rule this week that would prohibit anti-trans bias in healthcare in the United States. Via Washington Blade: Health & Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell said in a statement the proposed rule seeks to protect individuals “who have often been subject to […]

Vatican states ‘impossible’ for trans people to become godparents

By John Mack Freeman A ruling by the Vatican this past week made it impossible for trans people to officially become a new baby’s godparents. Via Alex Salinas, 21, was denied the opportunity by his local church because he is transgender. Bishop Rafael Zornoza Boy of the diocese of Cádiz and Ceuta, overturned the […]

Kentucky clerk held in contempt for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses

By John Mack Freeman Much of the media has been following the unfolding story surrounding Kim Davis, the clerk of court for Rowan County, Kentucky. Davis had refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. After being sued, she lost in a federal district court, and emergency appeals for stays to both the Sixth Circuit […]

Watch: Laverne Cox on TimesTalks

By Ashley R. Lierman Trans actress and icon Laverne Cox spoke to the New York Times for their TimesTalks series this week. Cox discussed her experiences on Orange is the New Black, trans justice, and her new documentary project Free CeCe, about the imprisonment and release of African-American transwoman CeCe McDonald for defending herself against […]