From the Chair: Volunteers Sought…

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) Round Table logo

GLBTRT Members: The GLBTRT is now accepting applications from members who wish to serve on the 2018 Stonewall Book Awards Committees, the Rainbow Book List Committee, and the Over the Rainbow Book List Committee.  Committee members are required to be members of the GLBTRT.  Please indicate in the application whether you are interested in serving […]

GLBTRT seeks nominations for 2018 awards recognizing outstanding service to the GLBT community

“Every year, the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) of the American Library Association seeks to honor librarians, library related organizations (including libraries, library staff, library boards, library friends), and other individuals or groups (public or private) that have demonstrated excellence in the area of responding to the needs of the lesbian, gay, […]

Volunteer Opportunity! GLBTRT Representatives

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) Round Table logo

Greetings! The Round Table is looking for volunteers to be the GLBTRT representatives to the following groups.  Please email me at if you are interested in this opportunity.  Let me know what you are interested in, your involvement in those groups, and resume, if relevant. Groups: American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Association of […]

Do you have materials related to the history of GLBTRT?

By Thomas Maxheimer Do you have materials related to the history of GLBTRT?  Would you be interested in adding them to the digital archive?  Not only are these materials important to understanding the history of the GLBTRT, they will help in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the GLBTRT in 2020.  To get started see […]

As One Free Online Viewing until 06/30

By A. Faulkner In celebration of Pride Month, AS ONE’s World Premiere video will be available to the public for viewing in its entirety.  The official description reads: “In this chamber opera for two singers and string quartet by composer Laura Kaminsky, librettist Mark Campbell and librettist/filmmaker Kimberly Reed, a mezzo-soprano and a baritone depict […]

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks to Bibliotheca!

By A. Faulkner Huge thanks to Bibliotheca.  For the third annual conference in a row, Bibliotheca created a wonderful wall of diversity as part of their booth in the exhibit hall at ALA Annual. For every institution name signed on their diversity wall, they will donate $5 to the GLBTRT. Huge thanks too to everyone who […]

GLBT-RT Events at Annual 2017 Chicago

Thanks to Deb Sica, Chair of the GLBTRT Executive Board, a roundup of GLBTRT Events at ALA Annual this year! Saturday, June 24th from 8:00-10:00 AM  Upstairs Inferno Film Screening McCormick Place, W181c Saturday, June 24th from 8:30-10:30 AM  Executive Board Meeting Palmer House, Honore Ballroom Saturday, June 24th from 10:30-11:30 AM Out and Proud: LGBTQ Literature McCormick Place, W190a Saturday, […]

Announcement: Native American and First Nations LGBTQ/Two-Spirit Bibliography

Peter Brunette, a member of the GLBTRT Resources Committee, has recently published an annotated bibliography which includes resources about gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender persons, and two-spirit persons who identify as Native American in the United States and First Nations people in Canada. To access the resource, you can visit the GLBTRT Professional Tools page […]