Rainbow Round Table 50th Anniversary Celebration (RRT)

Join the Rainbow Round Table, the first professional LGBTQIA+ group in the nation, originally known as the Task Force on Gay Liberation, and later as GLBTRT, in celebrating our 50th year! Our 50th Anniversary Gala will be held at the Museum of Contemporary Art on June 28, 2020. This is a ticketed event. Rainbow Round […]

ALA Midwinter Rainbow Round Table Social

Join the Rainbow Roundtable for our annual ALA Midwinter social on Sunday, January 26th from 6pm-8pm. We will be announcing the Adult Stonewall Book winners! Come join us for food, drinks and fun. It will be located at the Independence Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia, 18 S 7th Street (7th Street between Market […]

Call for Rainbow Round Table Chair Nominations – Deadline January 3, 2020

Thank you to all those who have submitted nominations to run for Secretary and Director-at-large for the Round Table.  We’re still very much in need of nominations for Round Table Chair. If you’ve been thinking of giving back and running for Round Table Chair, now is the time! Please fill out the attached candidate information sheet and submit directly to […]

Analyzing a New Proposed Rule Allowing Discrimination in HHS-Funded Programs and Services

There is a proposed Health and Human Services rule change that is still taking public comments  until Dec. 19.  If put in place, it will set aside nondiscrimination provisions for race, color, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, or religion. You can read more about the proposal here:http:// http://www.lgbtmap.org/file/2019-HHS-Proposed-Rule-Analysis.pdf You can comment here:https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=HHS-OS-2019-0014-0001

Celebrate the launch of the first ever LGBTQ+ Digital Collections at the Library of Congress!

The LGBTQ+ Studies Web Archive collects and preserves online content which documents LGBTQ+ history, scholarship, and culture in the United States and around the world. https://www.loc.gov/collections/lgbtq-studies-web-archive/about-this-collection/ The LGBTQ+ Politics and Political Candidates Web Archive captures digital content related to LBGTQ+ political candidates and political issues and topics at various levels of government, with a focus […]

Daniel C. Cochran died on December 1, 2019 at the age of 73. Dan was a ground-breaking pioneer for African- Americans and gay people on Wall Street

Dan is survived by his spouse, Greg Sutphin, his beloved companion of over fifty years. Dan was also involved in major fundraising efforts for the Human Rights Campaign and for Lamba Legal https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/nytimes/obituary.aspx?n=daniel-cochran&pid=194628525

Ersi Sotiropoulos’s What’s Left of the Night wins translation award

At its annual conference in Rochester, the American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) named its National Translation Award winners for 2019, as the United States market’s “only national award for translated fiction, poetry, and literary nonfiction that includes a rigorous examination of both the source text and its relation to the finished English work.” Translater Emmerich […]

Run for the Rainbow RT Executive Board! – Candidate Biographical Form now open!

Nominations to run for ALA Council, committees, divisions, sections and yes, Round Tables in the 2020 ALA Elections in the spring will be accepted  through December 4, 2019. Link to fill out if you are interested in running: https://divrt.directnominations.net/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2F Rainbow RT Executive Board openings are: Chair-Elect Secretary Directors-at-large Rainbow Roundtable Leadership Responsibilities: https://connect.ala.org/communities-old/community-home/librarydocuments/viewdocument?DocumentKey=11754BE2-9006-48A8-97B0-57DE569F08C7

Long Beach Library named after Billie Jean King

This is a bit of older news, but worth mentioning.  The city of Long Beach California opened a new downtown library and named it after Long Beach native, tennis player, and avid reader and community activist Billie Jean King. https://www.presstelegram.com/2019/09/21/long-beach-makes-it-official-its-the-billie-jean-king-main-library-now/

Gender, Sexuality, and the APA 7th Edition

In a post from the APA 6th Edition blog from November 16, 2015, Chelsea Lee responds to a query about the singular they: “It’s possible that APA might directly endorse the singular they in the future, but that decision lies in the hands of the task forces and committees that craft and approve the Publication […]