5 new reviews and a new column posted on Reviews blog

By John Mack Freeman The GLBTRT Reviews blog has posted five new reviews this week and a new column. They are: Book review: A Boy Like Me, by Jennie Wood Book review: Tapping My Arm for a Vein, by Jim Elledge Book review: The Giddy Death of the Gays and the Strange Demise of Straights, […]

Deadline approaching for candidate nominations for 2016 election

Via press release The Nominating Committee for the 2016 ALA election would like to remind everyone that the deadline is quickly approaching for anyone interested in running� on the 2016 spring ballot for the offices of ALA president-elect, treasurer, and councilor-at-large. The Nominating Committee will select two candidates to run for president-elect, two candidates to […]

The ninth edition of the Intellectual Freedom Manual

Via press release Since it was established in 1967, ALA�s Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) has championed the rights of library users to seek and receive information on all subjects from all points of view without restriction and without having the subject of one’s interest examined or scrutinized by others. The new ninth edition of […]

2015 GLBTRT Fundraising Challenge

By Erin Berman Thank you for your continued support of ALA�s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT)! Your membership has played a vital role in supporting the Round Table�s mission. Now more than ever we need to be visible, to promote that libraries are open to all, and to work to ensure that […]

Applications open for 2015 Banned Books Week grants via FTRF’s Krug Fund

Via press release Applications are open for the 2015 Judith F. Krug Memorial Fund Banned Books Week event grants, sponsored by the Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF). Organizations are encouraged to apply for grants of $1,000 and/or $2,500 in support of activities celebrating Banned Books Week (Sept. 27�Oct. 3, 2015). Applications for the grants will […]

Two books on 2015 most challenged list there for “homosexuality”

By John Mack Freeman Despite the rapid and widespread growth of support for LGBT causes in America, two books on ALA’s Office of Intellectual Freedom’s most frequently challenged books list are there (at least in part) due to homosexual content. Both are books that are perennially challenged and on the list:�And Tango Makes Three (#3) […]

New Nonbinary Bibliography Posted in Resources Section

By Charlie McNabb Nonbinary Gender Identities in Media: An Annotated Bibliography is intended for nonbinary people and their allies as well as libraries wishing to expand transgender collections. Nonbinary gender identities are gaining visibility in popular culture and the news, and the community is growing rapidly. It is vital for marginalized communities to see positive […]