The Rainbow Round Table is currently accepting nominations for our non-book awards, the RRT Award for Political Activism, the Newlen-Symons Award for Excellence, and the Larry Romans Mentorship Award (with @godort). Submission deadline is March 31.
Category: Announcements
“Passing” and “Miguel’s War” win NewFest prizes

“Passing” won the U.S. Narrative Feature Jury Award at this year’s NewFest, the LGBTQ film festival’s 33rd year. “Miguel’s War” won the Documentary Feature Jury Award and “A Distant Place” won the International Narrative Feature Jury Award.
Volunteers needed!

The Rainbow Round Table is now taking applications for the Rainbow Book List Committee, Over the Rainbow Book List Committee, Stonewall Book Awards – Barbara Gittings Literature Award Committee, Stonewall Book Awards – Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Award Committee, and the Stonewall Book Awards – Mike Morgan and Larry Roman Children’s and Young Adult Committee. Service begins on February 1, 2022, […]
Stonewall Book Awards Celebration

The 2021 Stonewall Book Awards Celebration is now available to watch online! This year marked the 50th anniversary of the awards sponsored by the American Library Association’s Rainbow Round Table.
Lambda Literary announces 2021 winners

The 33rd Annual Lambda Literary Awards were announced on June 1. The list of the Lammy Award winners, selected by “over 60 literary professionals from more than 1,000 book submissions from over 300 publishers” is here:
Rainbow Book List announced!

The Rainbow Book List Committee of ALA’s Rainbow Roundtable has released the 2021 Rainbow Book List. The annual annotated bibliography includes 129 titles in this year’s list. For the first time the committee created two Top 10 lists: “The Rainbow Book List Committee is ecstatic to provide these Top 10 lists: one intended for preschool through […]
Over the Rainbow booklist announced!

The Over the Rainbow Committee of ALA’s Rainbow Roundtable has released the 2021 Over the Rainbow book list. 29 titles make up the Fiction and Poetry longlist and 19 titles are on the Nonfiction longlist this year and here are the top 10 fiction and nonfiction titles: 2021 Over the Rainbow Top 10 Fiction and Non-Fiction […]
Stonewall Book Awards announced!

The Stonewall Book Awards were announced during ALA’s Midwinter meeting. Congratulations! Here are this year’s winners and honorees: Barbara Gittings Literature Award: The Thirty Names of Night by Zeyn Joukhadar. Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Award: The Queer Games Avant Garde: How LGBTQ Game Makers are Reimagining the Medium of Video Games by Bonnie Ruberg. Mike Morgan […]
RRT e-Social tonight!

The Rainbow Round Table e-Social is tonight (Sunday, January 24) at 7PM CST. Join us for fun and festivities and the announcement of the 2021 Adult Stonewall Book Awards!
Douglas Stuart’s “Shuggie Bain” wins the Booker prize

Douglas Stuart’s debut novel Shuggie Bain, about a queer boy growing up in 1980’s Glasgow, Scotland, won the Booker Prize last week. Recently Stuart talked to NPR and to Vulture: