Crosswalks now rainbows in Chicago’s Boystown

Rainbows have always been a symbol of the GLBTQ community and during the Pride month of June rainbows can be seen even more. In Chicago, Illinois in “Boystown,” a popular neighborhood on the northside, the chamber of commerce there decided to paint rainbows throughout the crosswalks. “Boystown” now has many crosswalks that are painted in […]

A Gay History of Children’s Book Authors in New York Times

Remember reading children’s books all snuggled up with a copy of Frog and Toad, by Arnold Lobel? Or reading school stories to the likes of Oliver Button is a Sissy by Tomie De Paola? George and Martha, by James Marshall were one of my favorites. One thing that you may not have noticed while reading […]

GLBTRT Member to be Associate State Librarian in Ohio

One of our own GLBTRT members has made it into the news this week! Evan T. Struble will become the new Associate State Librarian for Library Development for the great state of Ohio. He will be responsible for special projects, programming, developing the library and much more. Along with being part of our GLBT roundtable, […]

First Transgender Male Boxer Wins in California

Patricio Manuel is a thirty-three year old transgender male lightweight boxer. He made history last Saturday by becoming the first transgender male to win in an American boxing event in Indigo, California.  He won in the lightweight division by beating Hugo Aguilar. After only twelve minutes they declared him the winner! After his historic win […]

Queer Comics Database

Queer comics database is a great tool for discovering comic books and graphic novels that have LGBTQ characters. It’s a fun way to use reader’s advisory and find some hidden gems. It also contains 193 titles of comics. To quote the database, “Our mission is to facilitate access to comics that contain queer representation.” The database […]

Banned Children’s & YA Books

By M. Scheibler Banned Books Week is September 23rd-29th this year. That said, banned books are constantly brought into the forefront throughout the calendar year. Many picture books have been banned over the years, including the most challenged, and Tango Makes Three by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson, a story about two penguins in a same-sex relationship. […]