Meet Anna Fidgeon!: An RT Member Profile By Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser Beginning her second year as a juror for the Over the Rainbow book list committee, Anna describes it as “a librarian’s dream” getting to “read a ton” and help compile an annotated bibliography of great LGBT books. “Basically, after all my time trying to convince people that librarians do more than just […]

Queer Icon Divine Subject of New Documentary

A new documentary by Jeffrey Schwarz has been released about the life and legacy of Divine. The queer icon rose to prominence in the 1970’s and 1980’s through the films of John Waters. Her life was tragically cut short by an enlarged heart when she was 42. You can find the trailer for the documentary […]

Activists Call Church’s Bluff Regarding Stoning “Homos”

The ATLAH Missionary Baptist Church in New York City has become notorious over the last few weeks for their signs that have demonized the LGBT population. The signs (reproduced below) have drawn the ire of many due to their hateful content. In response to these signs, 50 LGBT activists arrived at the church this past […]

Health Officials Allegedly Reject Organ Donor Due to Sexuality

Rohn Neugebauer, 48, recently died of a heart attack in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Neugebauer’s partner Dan Burda has recently hosted a fundraiser for CORE (Center for Organ Recovery and Education). Thus, when Neugebauer passed away, his family sought to fulfill his wishes to become an organ donor. However, when it was revealed the Negebauer was in […]

Christian Charity To (NOT) Hire Those in Same Sex Marriages

Because GLBT News only updates weekly, sometimes stories get pulled in the early part of the week and they have to be changed shortly before we go to post. One case of this is a recent story of the Christian charity World Vision. The initial story, published broadly last week, stated that Richard Stearns, president of the […]

Miriam Braverman Memorial Prize Seeks Student Entries

Did you know that 23% of the GLBTRT’s membership are students? The Miriam Braverman Memorial Prize is looking for the best paper about the social responsibilities of librarians, libraries, or librarianship from a student currently enrolled in library school. The prize includes a $500 stipend to offset travel costs to the 2014 Annual ALA Conference […]

American Library Association honors Ann K. Symons with 2013 Equality Award

The GLBTRT’s very own chair-elect has been honored by the ALA with the 2013 Equality Award. The award is given annually to an ALA member or group  “for outstanding contribution toward promoting equality in the library profession. The contribution may be either a sustained one or a single outstanding accomplishment.” The press release announcing the […]

Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award Applications Now Open

NMRT, an ALA round table for people with fewer than 10 years ALA membership, is offering the Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance Award which provides a ticket to the event of the winner’s choice at the Annual Conference in Las Vegas. All NMRT members not currently serving on the Annual Conference Professional Development Award Committee […]