Call for Proposals: KidLitCon

This year’s Kidlitcon — Blogging Diversity in Young Adult and Children’s Literature, will be taking place October 10th and 11th in Sacramento. Per their website: “KidLitCon is a gathering of people who blog about children’s and young adult books, including librarians, authors, teachers, parents, booksellers, publishers, and readers. Attendees share a love of children’s books, as well as a […]

MLB Hires Ambassador for Inclusion; Kluwe Threatens to Sue Former Team

By John Mack Freeman There was a bit of movement in the sports world this week on LGBT issues. This week, Major League Baseball recognized Glenn Burke, the first player to ever come out while playing professional baseball. At the news conference, commissioner Burt Selig announced that former MLB-player Billy Bean will be appointed the […]

Jim Gaylord Receives an Apology

By TJ Lusher In 1972, Jim Gaylord was terminated from his teaching position at the Tacoma, Washington high school.  The reason for his termination – he confirmed his sexual orientation to an administrator.  The admission came after Gaylord was presented with a copy of a written letter from a student indicating he thought Gaylord was […]

NBC’s Version of Constantine Won’t Be Bisexual

By Ashley R. Lierman Speculation has come to an end on whether the NBC adaptation of long-running DC Comics series Hellblazer will retain the main character’s bisexuality – and the answer is no. Executive producers David S. Goyer were willing to fight to show evidence of John Constantine’s smoking habit onscreen, it seems, but found […]

Meet Don Yarman!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser Currently, Don’s self-identified role in the GLBTRT is the “cranky old man” on the Stonewall Book Awards Committee. Previously he has been the “fussy intellectual snob” on the Stonewall Book Awards Committee. As Deputy Director of the Delaware County District Library, he serves the mixed suburban, small town, and rural area north […]

ALA Seeking Nominations

Peter Hepburn, GLBTRT Councillor, sent out an e-mail today announcing that the ALA Nominating Committee is seeking members who are interested in standing for election. The committee will select two people to run for President and at least 50 members to run for Council as Members-At-Large. For more information, you can see the press release […]

Documentary About Gay Athletes Partially Made in Sochi

Despite the best efforts of the Russian government to stamp down LGBT people at the Olympics, they couldn’t get rid of everything. A documentary that revolves around the lives of gay athletes at the games was secretly filmed during the Olympics. The film will premier in October at EPIX. It is fronted by Johnny Weir […]