New Web Series About Gay Scouts

Camp Abercorn is a new series that is being crowdfunded via Indiegogo to confront the Boy Scouts of America’s discriminatory rules forbidding gay adults from participating in scouting. From their Indiegogo page: Camp Abercorn is a dramatic web series about the blunders and the victories—an authentic portrayal of life on camp staff. For ten weeks […]

Canadian Report Shows LGB Teens More At Risk of Pregnancy

The 2013 British Columbia Health Survey showed that LGB adolescents were much more likely to become pregnant or cause a pregnancy than their straight peers. Gay and bisexual boys were more than four times more likely to cause a pregnancy. Lesbian and bisexual girls were more than twice as likely to become pregnant. The studied […]

Link Round-Up: New Yorker, Autostraddle, Out

Photo Credit: NS Newsflash (via Flickr)

Compiled by John Mack Freeman The New Yorker published a piece by Michelle Goldberg called “What is a Woman?: The dispute between radical feminism and transgenderism.” This article is making waves and has already prompted a response from Mari Brighe on Autostraddle entitled “The New Yorker’s Skewed History of Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism Ignores Actual Trans Women.” […]

Harry Potter Fans More Likely to LGBT Friendly

By John Mack Freeman A new study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that students who had read more of the Harry Potter series and empathized more with the main character were more likely to show tolerance towards gay people, immigrants, and refugees. The researchers from four universities studied children at elementary, high […]

“There Goes the Gayborhood” Shows Shift in Population

New research from the University of British Columbia has found that many LGBT people are leaving traditionally gay neighborhoods. Via UBC: Fewer same-sex couples reside in historically gay neighbourhoods compared to 10 years ago, according to one of the largest studies of sexuality in the U.S. Led by University of British Columbia sociologist Amin Ghaziani, […]

New Report Shows Black, Latino Youth Have Different LGBT Priorities

By John Mack Freeman A new study by the Black Youth Project has found that black and Latino LGBT youth have different priorities for the LGBT community than their white counterparts. In particular, many feel that marriage equality has drawn an inordinate amount of focus away from other important issues. Here are some of the […]

Website Publishes Names of Anti-LGBT Petition Signers

By John Mack Freeman An anonymous website has popped up over the last week in response to a petition drive in Houston. A petition was started to put the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance to a public vote. The petition garnered over 50,000 signatures, well over the 17,000 required for the initiative to be put on […]

Homophones Blog Post Results in Homophobic Firing

By John Mack Freeman And now for something completely bizarre. Tim Torkildson used to work for the Nomen Global Language Center. However, when Torkildson published a blog post on homophones, the Center’s owner Clarke Woodger fired Torkildson, stating that he was upset that now the school would be associated with homosexuality. For those playing along […]

This Week In Marriage Equality: Florida, North Carolina

By John Mack Freeman Florida: In just eight days, two Florida counties had judges strike down that state’s same sex marriage bans. The first was in the Keys followed by Miami-Dade County. Judge Zabel ruled in favor of the plaintiffs Equality Florida and the National Center for Lesbian Rights, stating in one part of the […]

Boulder Clerk Banned From Issuing Same Sex Marriage Licenses

By John Mack Freeman A new development in Boulder has temporarily halted the flow of same sex marriage licenses. The Colorado Supreme Court has ruled that Hillary Hall, the Boulder County Clerk of Court, is not allowed to hand out marriage licenses to same sex couples after the Circuit Court that Colorado is in found […]