GaymerX Revived, Rebranded as GX3

By John Mack Freeman Over the summer, it was announced that GaymerX was no more. The gaming convention that focused on providing a safe space for LGBT, minority, and female gamers had hit a rough financial patch during the planning of their second convention. Due to a lack of sponsor support, rising costs, and an explosion […]

Poll finds LGBT people with lower well-being than non-LGBT people

By John Mack Freeman A Gallup poll found that LGBT people have a lower rate of well-being than non-LGBT people. LGBT people scored 58 on their scale while non-LGBT people scored 62. Via Gallup: The financial and physical well-being of LGBT people when broken down was also lower, 10 and 7 points respectively. The numbers […]

New Internet domains to raise money for HIV prevention

By John Mack Freeman A new domain ending was released this week, and it seeks to provide websites with a tool to raise money for HIV prevention and research. The dotHIV initiative will be providing web addresses to businesses and nonprofits that end in “.hiv”. Dubbed the digital red ribbon, it is the first top-level […]

Dominican Republican Bans Miley Cyrus For “Promoting Lesbian Sex”

By Ashely R. Lierman A concert scheduled for September 13th in Santo Domingo has been canceled by the government of the Dominican Republic, apparently on moral grounds. Among the charges against the singer is that she promotes lesbian sex. Via The Advocate: In a statement released Thursday, the commission said the concert was to be called off because […]

Meet John Sandstrom!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser John has served several roles in the GLBTRT (and its predecessor, the GLBTF).  He served on the book award committee back in the late 1980’s, and was co-chair the year they had Quentin Crisp and Armistead Maupin as guests. He also served as our Stonewall Book Award Brunch chair for a few years. […]

Vikings Donate to LGBT Rights Groups to Settle Kluwe Suit

By John Mack Freeman Earlier, GLBT News reported that Chris Kluwe was suing his former NFL team, the Minnesota Vikings, due to their unwillingness to release a report detailing that organization’s alleged homophobia and anti-LGBT practices. The Vikings announced that Kluwe’s termination had nothing to do with his staunch pro-LGBT stance, however. To settle the threatened suit, […]