NYT Columnist Charles Blow comes out as bisexual in new memoir

By Ilyse Kramer Charles M. Blow, who writes a visual Op-Ed column for The New York Times, came out as bisexual in his recently published memoir, Fire Shut Up in My Bones.  Another personal truth that he reveals, and is careful to distinguish has not caused his bisexuality, is that he is a survivor of […]

Manchester library unveils public LGBT archives

By John Mack Freeman The Manchester Libraries have teamed with the Lesbian and Gay Foundation to make the Foundation’s holdings more publicly accessible. Via PinkNews: The LGF’s history collection – made available at Central Library in Manchester – includes a comprehensive catalogues of LGB magazines, including Mancunian Gay, Outnorthwest, Gay Times, Diva, and several grassroots […]

MoFemmeber seeks aid in collecting, digitizing queer zines

Via Kelly McElroy on the GLBTRT-L list QZAP is a completely grassroots collective which works to collect, digitize, and provide access to queer zines online through their searchable database. In celebration of their 11th anniversary, we are launching MoFemmeBer, a fundraiser and zine-readathon. In order to raise funds, we’re asking folks to get their friends […]

UK National Health Service accidentally released names of trans patients

By John Mack Freeman The National Health Service in Greater Glasgow and Clyde (Scotland) mistakenly released the names of 86 trans patients earlier this week. After an internal investigation, the release was attributed to human error. The error occurred when individuals receiving gender treatment received a mass e-mail in which none of the other e-mails […]

Robin Williams’s final role, portraying a gay man, may never be seen

By Ashley R. Lierman The film Boulevard, in which Robin Williams made his final appearance and in which he portrays a gay man, may never be released to theaters. The film has been “failing to find a mainstream backer,” according to the Mirror: A source said: “It’s really sad but it is looking impossible that […]

Meet Michael Hesson!: An RT member profile by Tess Goldwasser

By Tess Goldwasser Michael is a new member of the RT. He says he’s been “lurking” for about a year and is looking to get more involved. He is currently in a para position and does “as much reference and teaching as they allow me.” He hopes to land an academic librarian position, and has […]

Lambda Literary Enters Partnership with San Diego Unified School District

Via press release Los Angeles, CA – Lambda Literary, the nation’s leading nonprofit organization advancing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender literature, is proud to announce an historic partnership with the San Diego Unified School District to make its LGBT Writers in Schools Program available to the city’s high school students. Approved by the San Diego […]