Last Call: Apply by August 1st to be a GLBTRT-Sponsored Emerging Leader!

By Peter Coyl GLBTRT will provide $1,500 to support one member’s participation in ALA’s 2016 Emerging Leaders’ program. The funds go to defray the cost of traveling to the Midwinter Meeting in Boston (Jan. 8-12) and Annual Conference in Orlando (June 23-28). Learn more on the website and access theapplication here.

The Little Gadfly – [Gay] Marriage: A Lingual Debate

By A. Faulkner I called my dad the day of the decision. The newspapers were declaring “Love wins!”, but I wasn’t entirely sure I agreed with the headlines. I came out to my father a couple of years ago, so he knows my stance on same-sex marriage. My father is a born, raised, and well-aged […]

Texas library advisory board, county commission keeps LGBT books on shelves

By John Mack Freeman A recent effort to have two LGBT-themed picture books removed from the Hood County Library has been defeated. Dozens of people challenged the books This Day in June and My Princess Boy. More than 40 people spoke in the public comment section of the meeting expressing opinions ranging from keeping the […]

Study finds doctors likely to be biased against LGBT people

By John Mack Freeman A new study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that many healthcare providers harbor internal biases towards their LGBT patients. The study found that an implicit preference for heterosexual patients was pervasive among heterosexual healthcare providers. Via The researchers looked at results from the Implicit Association Test […]

Scottish Pride event courts controversy with shifting rules on drag performers

By John Mack Freeman Update: Free Pride Glasgow has made a complete 180, releasing this statement on Wednesday, July 22: There was never a ban on drag queens and kings attending Free Pride. There was a decision to not book any drag acts, which has been overturned. Free Pride now welcomes drag performers of all […]

European Court rules countries must recognize same-sex unions

By John Mack Freeman A ruling by the European Court of Human Rights has found that the 47 members of that court must recognize same-sex unions. Stemming from an Italian case, the ruling found that not recognizing same-sex unions violates the human rights of the plaintiffs. At the moment, 23 of the member countries have […]

Queer Quest 12: Geeking Out and Out Geeking at ALA Annual

By Ashley R. Lierman Since I (like so many of us, I’m sure) am still recovering and catching up from ALA 2015, I’m not going to do a full column this month. I am, however, going to do a quick recap of the geek- and queer-interest (and both) events that I was able to make […]

From the Chair: Not just on Christopher and Castro

By Peter Coyl As I’ve wound down from ALA Annual I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on this past year as a round table and thinking of what we plan on doing in the coming months. This last year the GLBTRT has accomplished quite a lot. We rolled out GLBT Book Month under the […]

New app seeks to connect trans patients with doctors

By John Mack Freeman A soon-to-be released released app called MyTransHealth will help people find trans-specific healthcare options. This crowd-sourced program will allow users to read reviews on doctors and to gauge how much support that particular medical professional can realistically rpvoide. Via  Seeking to make waves in the subject of trans health, MyTransHealth […]

ALA task force seeks your input on Orlando and conference climate

Via press release The ALA Task Force on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion was created in the spring of 2014 by then ALA President Barbara Stripling. Before moving forward with programs, actions, or recommendations, the members of the Task Force on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion believe it is important to understand the culture of the association, […]