Williams Institute: LGBT More Likely To Struggle with Hunger

In a study that was published by UCLA’s Williams Institute, researchers found that LGBT individuals were significantly more likely to struggle with hunger than their heterosexual counterparts. Some key findings: 29% of LGBT adults said that at some point in the last year they did not have adequate resources to feed themselves or their families […]

LGB Living In Homophobic Communities More LIkely to Die Earlier

Researchers at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health discovered that LGB individuals that live in regions with higher levels of homophobia die earlier. In fact, the study pointed to a shorter life expectancy of approximately 12 years between high stigma and low stigma areas. In the words of Dr. Hatzenbuehler, the lead author on the […]

Profile a Roundtable Member: David Gale

Meet David Gale! David is the Vice President, Editorial Director at Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers. He’s worked for S&S for over twenty years. His passion is finding new writers and helping them grow. A member of GLBTRT, he attends the socials and the Stonewall Book Awards brunch celebrations whenever he can. He […]

Preservationists Call for Greater Protection of Stonewall Inn, Other Sites

Some preservationists in New York are calling for a new standard of protection for the Stonewall Inn and the bar Julius’ due to their importance in LGBT history. Although both buildings are largely protected from harm due to their location in a historic district, the Greenwich Village Society of Historic Preservation (GVHSP) would like the […]

Media of Note February 18, 2014: YA Diversity, Bechdel, and Anti-Bullying

Authors Relaunch YA Diversity Website YA authors Cindy Pon and Malinda Lo have relaunched their Tumblr website Diversity in YA that was founded in 2011 as a website and book tour. The site states: “We celebrate young adult books about all kinds of diversity, from race to sexual orientation to gender identity and disability. Our […]

What Does a Librarian Look Like?

 When photographer Kyle Cassidy decided to find out whether his stereotype of a librarian was right, he discovered a diversity of people—starting with GLBTRT Executive Board member Ingrid Abrams who was the lead photo in a Slate article about Cassidy’s experiences at the 2014 ALA Midwinter meeting. The librarian from Brooklyn Public Library said, “We’re […]

Article Highlights GLBTRT, Trans YA Books

 Both the 2014 Stonewall youth award winner and GLBTRT member Kyle Lukoff are cited in an article about Susan Kuklin’s new book, Beyond Magenta, profiling six transgender young adults and their experiences in grappling with identity as it relates to sexuality and gender. Although more books about the transgender experience are being published, Lukoff lamented […]

Michael Sam Comes Out, Receives Standing Ovation

During recent years, coming out of the closet has resulted in one or two days of publicity before another celebrity or sports figure declares an LGBT sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Media surrounding University of Missouri lineman Michael Sam, 2013 All-American defensive end and NFL prospect, just doesn’t stop. Despite some of the evil troll […]

GLBT Libraries, Archives, and Special Collections. Add Yours Today!

A few weeks ago, Lisa Johnston forwarded a request from the GLBTRT e-list from the Heritage Health Index of Heritage Preservation.org asking for a list of GLBTQ libraries in the United States. GLBT News reporter Jenna Goodall compiled all the responses sent to the e-list and posted them here. Please send any additions to Jenna […]

Who Is on This American Libraries Cover?

A popular topic on the GLBTRT e-list this past week was identifying pride parade marchers on the July/August 1992 cover of American Libraries after the ALA Annual Conference that summer. Here are the responses. Those with further comments can send them to GLBT-News@ala.org.  On the left in the blue shirt – Chet Mulawka; Next to […]