Word of the Week: AFAB/AMAB

By Emilia Marcyk Assignment of gender refers to the way that we assume others’ genders based on their bodies. When a child is born, our culture slots it into one of two groups: male or female, avoiding all overlap. We “determine” the child’s “correct” identity based on a quick visual assessment of the appearance of […]

Emerging Leader Spotlight: Fobazi M. Ettarh

Woman: smiling, she is wearing glasses, a black blazer and a red shirt.

The GLBTRT is proud to highlight some of our past Emerging Leaders (ELs). Including people who are members of and/or sponsored by our round table, these spotlights will let you get to know some of the incredible people in our field and learn about the work that they’ve accomplished through the EL Program. Donate today […]

Volunteer for the Queer Comics Expo!

logo - queer comics expo

Love comics, particularly queer comics? Then this opportunity is for you! The annual Queer Comics Expo, which takes place in San Francisco, CA is looking for volunteers for their July 2017 event. The process is simple: go to the Queer Comics Expo website, fill out the Google form, and you’ll get a confirmation if your […]

LGBTQIA Scholarship Roundup for March 8th, 2017

shelves of academic journals tinted orage

By Emilia Marcyk Current scholarship and academic news addressing LGBTQIA identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications Bingham, Natasha. “‘Telling Our Stories’: Print Media Interpretations of Moscow Lesbians’ Life Stories in 2004 and 2005.” Journal of Lesbian Studies, vol. 21, iss. 1, 2017, pp. 120-31. URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10894160.2016.1191305 This article analyzes […]

Word of the Week: Two Spirit

By Emilia Marcyk A Two Spirit person is a male-bodied or female-bodied person with a masculine or feminine essence. Two Spirits can cross social gender roles, gender expression, and sexual orientation. – NativeOUT.com Two Spirit (or Two-Spirit) is used by many American Indian and Canadian First Nations people, and is distinct from Western ideas of […]

Funding Opportunity: The Innovative Library Classroom

paper application for a scholarship lying on a table, with a pen on top

The Innovative Library Classroom, a teaching and learning conference hosted by Radford University (Radford, VA), is looking for applicants for travel grant for underrepresented and/or marginalized groups. Per the conference organizers, applicants must: Be working in librarianship (professional or paraprofessional), pursing a job in librarianship, or enrolled in an ALA accredited post-graduate program. ?Identify as […]

LGBTQIA Scholarship Roundup for February 22nd, 2017

stack of papers tinted red

By Emilia Marcyk Current scholarship and academic news addressing LGBTQIA identities and concerns, of interest to librarians, educators, and information professionals. Publications Alessi, Edward J., et al. “The First-Year University Experience for Sexual Minority Students: A Grounded Theory Exploration.” Journal of LGBT Youth, vol 14, iss. 1, 2017, pp. 71-92. URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19361653.2016.1256013 The authors conducted […]

Call for Participation: Radical Libraries, Archives, and Museums

woodcut of books framed by raised fist book ends. Rainbow background. Book spines say radical, libraries, archives, & museums

The 19th annual Allied Media Conference will host a “Radical Libraries, Archives, and Museums Track” at its June conference, and is looking for session submissions. From the conference website: We are especially interested in sessions that: Challenge traditional gallery, library, archive, and museum structures, institutions, and organizations Discuss best practices for community-based organizations that provide […]

Word of the Week: Genderqueer

flag with three stripes. Top purple, middle white, bottom green

By Emilia Marcyk Adjective designating a person who does not subscribe to conventional gender distinctions, but identifies with neither, both, or a combination of male and female genders – Oxford English Dictionary The term genderqueer is one of many words that people may choose to describe an identity outside or beyond male/female. Others  include agender, […]

LGBTQIA Legislative News Roundup

three images. 1. american flag and rainbow flag waving in breeze, 2. man smiling, wearing suit, 3. main with gray hair raising right hand

By Jeremy Selvidge On Wednesday, Jeff Sessions was confirmed as Attorney General of the United States. His confirmation has prompted statements of concern from leading LGBTQ+ activists, including HRC’s Chad Griffin and Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, who claim that Sessions’ record of opposition to LGBTQ+ protections and civil […]