LGBTQIA World News Roundup

By Tricia Boucher Indonesia police probe Aceh abuse of transgender women Police in the majority-Muslim, semi-autonomous Aceh province publicly humiliated transgender women and are facing an investigation.  The police have the support of the local community. Costa Rica votes for new president amid gay rights debate The recommendation of a Latin American court that Costa […]

Meet Christie Gibrich! An RT Member Profile

By A. Faulkner What is your role in the GLBTRT? Right now I’m a member; previously I’ve served on the Rainbow List (2011-2013, Chair 2013), and the Programming Committee (2014-2016, Chair 2016). What does the GLBTRT mean to you? GLBTRT means an opportunity to meet other like-minded librarians, and a way to educate and inform […]

You’re Invited! GLBTRT Social @ Midwinter: Sunday February 11th, 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) Round Table logo

Hi All, Just a reminder, if you’re headed to Denver for Midwinter, mark your calendars now for the GLBTRT Social on Sunday, February 11 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at Blush & Blu. We’ll have some light fare and drinks of all types, Blush & Blu is a bar and cafe. Suggested donation at the door is […]

LGBTQIA US News Roundup

By Tricia Boucher Gay Rights Activists Urge Amazon to Avoid These 9 States for Its HQ2 Amazon’s short list of cities for their new headquarters includes 11 cities in states without protections for LGBTQ persons.  Advocates have launched a campaign to urge Amazon to locate in a state that does protect the LGBTQ community. Merriam-Webster […]

Reminder: Nomination Deadlines Extended for GLBTRT Awards

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) Round Table logo

By A. Faulkner Nomination deadlines for the Larry Romans Mentorship Award, the GLBTRT Award for Political Activism, and the Newlen-Symons Award for Excellence in Serving the GLBT Community have been extended to February 01, 2018.  Last chance to get in your nominations!

LGBTQIA World News Roundup

By Tricia Boucher ‘One guy took a cutlass’: gay women at greater risk of violence in Ghana LGBT women in Ghana are often ostracized by their families in Ghana at a larger rate than men, putting them at greater risk for violence from family members as well as the general population. India’s top court to […]

LGBTQIA US News Roundup

By Tricia Boucher Check out the HRC’s State Equality Index and learn about laws and policies regarding LGBTQ persons across the country! Is deep-red Texas ready for a gay Latina Democrat? Lupe Valdez thinks so The first openly gay Hispanic sheriff (Dallas) in the country is running for governor of Texas.  She has an uphill […]

LGBTQIA Rights Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer SCOTUS Lets Mississippi’s Heinous Anti-LGBTQ ‘Religious Freedom’ Law Stand The U.S. Supreme Court did not comment on the case challenging HB 1523 which allows officials, healthcare providers, and businesses to freely discriminate LGBTQ individuals if they cite “moral” or religious objections. Facebook ‘gay cure’ ad sparks outrage Over 1.5 million views were […]