New Map Service Equaldex Tracks Worldwide LGBT Laws

By John Mack Freeman

One of the best ways to track a lot of information is to make a visual out of it. That way, trends that seem hard to see on paper easily become visible, and the ideas contained within the information become much easier to share. And as a data junkie myself, the more graphics I can get, the better. This week, Equaldex started its mapping service. In planning since 2009, the site gives an interactive map of the world that lets individuals know the status of LGBT issues across a range of issues including adoption, military service, discrimination, employment discrimination, conversion therapy, and many more.

The static image in the header of the article doesn’t do justice to how elegant this site really is. Further, by clicking on a country or by searching for it, a page appears that gives a snapshot of polls, current laws, and other information about the legal status of LGBT individuals in that country at that time.

While some of the information in the United States may be debatable (due to the more localized form of governance than many countries), this is sure to be a substantially positive resource for years to come.

Also, for those who have more interests closer to home, here is a map compiled by The Andrew Turnbull Network that currently shows the state of marriage equality within the United States:

State of Gay Marriage

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