Current Scholarship Roundup: Reading, Bookstores, Herstory and more

By Emilia R. Marcyk

Scholarship and academic news that addresses LGBTQ identities and concerns, of interest to librarians and information professionals


  • Brandão, Ana Maria, and Tânia Cristina Machado. “Organa: The First Portuguese Lesbian Magazine.” Journal of Homosexuality4 (2016): 575-599. URL: 

    The authors chronical the history of Organa, the first known Lesbian magazine published in Portugal between 1991-1992, and the impact it had on Lesbian community, organization and political activity.

  • Hogan, Kristen. The Feminist Bookstore Movement: Lesbian Antiracism and Feminist Accountability. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2016. Find it in a library: 

    Hogan’s new book “traces the feminist bookstore movement’s rise and eventual fall, restoring its radical work to public feminist memory” and documenting its impact on contemporary lesbian feminist thought.

  • Smith-Cruz, Shawn(ta), et al. “Getting from then to Now: Sustaining the Lesbian Herstory Archives as a Lesbian Organization.” Journal of Lesbian Studies2 (2016): 213-233. URL: 

    Weaving together the narratives of six collective members, this article explores the history, activism and archival practices of the Lesbian Herstory Archives in Brooklyn, NY, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year.

Calls for Submissions

  • Gay and Lesbian Studies Quarterly (GLQ) has is looking for submissions for a special issue titled “Queers Read This.” From the editor’s blog:We ask for essays that explore how new theoretical interventions in the study of literary history might offer tools for queer theory; at the same time, we seek to develop a dialogue about the value, appeal, and purchase of an identifiable, and ever-growing, LGBTQ literary sphere. In so doing, we seek innovative approaches to the study of queer literary formations that deploy multi-disciplinary analytics including, but not necessarily limited to, critical interpretation and close reading, ethnographic research, first-person accounts of reading practices, materialist histories of print media, and phenomenological accounts of the texture and feel of queer reading and writing, without presuming divisions between these methods. Queer theorists have developed numerous conceptual tools for the study of sexuality through engagement with classical and contemporary LGBT literary texts. Ironically, the major scholarly texts of queer theory have oftentimes become more popular and widely read than the actual literary products queer theorists analyze. We seek papers that can illuminate both the stakes of LGBT literary formation in the contemporary moment, as well the complex relationship that queer theory has to both helping forge, shape, and often, volatilize the very notion of LGBT literature and literary history. We seek to ask, what is LGBT literature now? And what kinds of stories, theories, and politics can it produce in the age of queer theorizing?

    Submissions are due in March 2017. Further information is available here:


  • Queer Studies in Media and Popular culture is looking for reviews of books and media. From the publisher’s website:QSMPC reviews may take a number of different forms, depending on the topic, format, and significance of the work under review.  Contributors should nonetheless follow these general guidelines for the preparation and submission of review manuscripts.


  • Reviews should begin with a description of the work under review that gives readers a sense of the work as a whole, in addition to particular aspects of it.
  • Contextualize the work you review. What makes the work of interest to readers of Queer Studies in Media and Popular Culture?
  • Evaluate some of the work’s key themes or components. Give reasons for your evaluation. We especially encourage reviewers to consider the following questions:
  • Does the work you are reviewing make a significant or original contribution to queer theory or to representations of queer life?
  • Does the work embody an awareness of the diversity of queer lives, and of queer theoretical perspectives relevant to the issues they discuss or portray? 

    Further information, and submission directions are here:,id=245/view,page=2/

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